Is the Tooth Fairy Real?

Attention, parents! Are you wondering when the right time is to reveal the truth about the Tooth Fairy to your child? We understand that this can be a delicate topic, but fear not! We're here to guide you through this important milestone in your child's life. Read on to discover the perfect timing for this conversation and how to handle it with grace and sensitivity.

Some may even ask if they should even introduce the concept in the first place, or if it’s best to tell their children the truth from the beginning. Well, if you ask a pediatric dentist in Bakersfield, CA, the Tooth Fairy can actually play an important role in your child’s oral health development.

Keep reading to learn how!

Where Does the Tooth Fairy Myth Even Come From?

The first-ever mention of the Tooth Fairy, as we know it today, comes from the Chicago Tribune in 1908. Writer Lillian Brown suggested that a great way to convince kids to have their baby teeth pulled out was to tell them a tooth fairy would come overnight and give them 5 cents in exchange for the tooth.

Over the years, the Tooth Fairy grew in popularity and became a major figure in pop culture. Lots of kids have excitedly put their fallen baby teeth under their pillows ever since, though today they most likely expect a bigger reward than 5 cents.

Is the Tooth Fairy Myth Harmful?

Not necessarily. The Tooth Fairy can actually play a positive role in your child’s oral health development.

Baby teeth should fall on a specific schedule when the child’s adult teeth are ready to erupt. Sometimes, the tooth falls out easily and without any pain. Other times, the baby tooth is a bit more stubborn and could need some encouragement.

Either way, many kids are scared to lose their teeth which could prevent their parents or even a dentist from even looking at a wiggly tooth. But if they know the Tooth Fairy is coming, they could be more excited about the whole situation.

When Should I Tell My Kid the Tooth Fairy’s a Myth?

Consider your child's age and maturity level. Typically, children start questioning the Tooth Fairy between the ages of 7 and 9. By this time, they may have already heard whispers from their peers or noticed inconsistencies in the Tooth Fairy's visits. Use your parental judgment to determine if your child is ready for this revelation.

When the time feels right, be honest with your child. Explain that the Tooth Fairy is a fun tradition and a make-believe character that parents and caregivers use to celebrate the loss of baby teeth. Emphasize that the magic of the Tooth Fairy lies in the joy and excitement it brings, even if it's not real.

Should I Just Skip the Tooth Fairy Myth?

Of course, you can also teach your child the truth from the beginning. Some believe it’s much better to be honest with children from the get-go, although in this case, you should definitely teach your child not to blurt out the truth to the other kids around!

How My Kids Happy Teeth Can Help

Apart from the Tooth Fairy, Dr. Engineer and Dr. Raj are also here to help make sure your little one develops a happy and healthy smile!

Request a visit to My Kids Happy Teeth online, or call us at (661) 322-9242 for a short chat!

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